Monday, May 6, 2013

Waking up in Firenze

Ciao ragazzi! 

My name's Grace, and I'm in Italy! (Say whaaa?) I'm studying abroad for the next six weeks in Florence primarily. Apparently before I studied abroad I was supposed to take a class that was going to help me figure out what I was going to make my senior thesis over...I didn't do that. So, this blog is to help me remember what I did over here and be able to link it back to what I want to focus on my senior year for my project.

Pretty much what I'm saying is this blog is really for me, but I guess it's okay if you people read it as well.

I started writing this at 12 in the afternoon here, and 6 am in the States where I'm from. Jet lag has definitely set in, even after a solid 10 hours sleep last night, I've been pretty tired all day. It also helps that after traveling non stop for something like nine hours I was able to pass out right away after dinner last night.

I don't want to get ahead of my self now, I arrived in Florence at about 3:40 pm their time yesterday. It took about 20 minutes to get to the hotel and then another 10 to throw my stuff in my room and head out for a walk with a group of other IU students who were going to head out while I checked in.

This city is massive. There are vendors on almost every corner and a Gelato place on every block. This sounds really cliche, but seriously it's the truth. There are so many Gelato places it's ridiculous and fattening and obviously really delicious. There are also people everywhere. Bloomington pedestrians have nothing on this place, the street and the sidewalk are pretty much the same area with the occasional taxi pushing people out of the way. Also the taxi drivers are so bold here, I've seen one already drive up onto the curb to get around construction and down a street full of people.

The history of the place is honestly amazing. The Duomo is even bigger in real life, and there are countless other historical places surrounding the area. We took a quick walk to the Arno River and were able see even more places across the river. The amount to do in the area is astounding.

I finally had the time to head out with my camera today and explore some more by myself. I headed around the Duomo and around a few streets. It was mostly to be able to get a feel of the city, and a reason to get out of the room and carry my camera with me. Here are some of the pictures I took while I was out:

First: Street by the hotel.
Second: Roof of the Duomo.
Third: The Back of the Duomo.
Fourth: Street art on the construction walls around the Duomo.
Fifth: The tower of the Duomo.

I included the bird because I thought that it was some pretty cool street art. Mostly I took pictures of the Duomo today, because I didn't have too much time to venture elsewhere, but they turned out beautifully.

Although it was a little cloudy and rainy today, it was still amazing. The constant ringing of church bells and the chattering of the Italians on the street really sets a mood. I know this post isn't too exciting, but I'm going to try and make it out everyday to take pictures. Let's just hope that the clouds take a break and I can see a sunny Firenze!

Ciao for now,


1 comment:

  1. I didn't think it was possible having just been in Paris and Dublin, but I'm jealous. It looks and sounds amazing there.
