Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Beach and The Night

Man I am lagging on posting on here...hahahaha get it, get it? No just me? Alright then, lame joke. Anyways, these past few weeks have been fairly busy so I haven't been able to keep up with editing pictures as much as I would like. I know, bad photographer, blah, blah, blah.

 Anywaaaaaays, two weeks ago was pretty eventful. Besides visiting the Bargello, San Marco's I believe, and somewhere that for the life of me I can't remember for my Renaissance class. We also took a day trip to a place called Viareggio to visit the Mediterranean sea at the beach there! It was absolutely gorgeous, like no lie, the way that the mountains framed the beach made it absolutely picturesque. Plus the town was really pretty and colorful, as can be seen below.

See, when I picture a nice Italian town, I kind of picture Viareggio.

It was about 20 or 30 minute walk from the train station to the beach and then when we reached the beach, we were told that what we saw was private beach and we would have to pay to be on it. So, we stood there for a second deliberating whether or not the nice beach was worth the money when the woman told us there was a public beach down the way. Which was responded to with a very vigorous "Hell yeah." We proceeded to find the very small section of beach that was public, put our things down and headed straight for the least that's what I did. The water was a little chilly, but the sun was just perfect. Sunbathing ensued, and then the realization that we could walk along the shore of the private beach came along and we took off walking. Here's some of the view from the beach.

Some of these look rather similar, I realize. I just couldn't decide which ones I really liked the best. So here's all of them! So after a few hours at the beach we decided to catch a train home and grab some grub from one our favorite places. The Diner. The Diner is an American food style restaurant that is absolutely delicious. And sometimes you just need a little bit of that home style cooking in your food.

But, on the way to the train station we walked across these really adorable kids who were trying to catch these massive balloons that this guy was blowing with some rope and a bucket of the balloon soap stuff. They were awesome and gigantic and the little kids were absolutely adorable as they ran after them and tried to catch them. I didn't too good of the picture of the act, but this is the best one that I did get.

That week I also went out and walked around at night with my camera with a group of people. We walked around Firenze quite a bit and then managed to make our way to the high point. The high point is a this big plaza that's up on the side of one of the mountains near the city's edge. It's not too bad of a walk, and it gives an incredible view of the city at night and during the day. You can see just about every major landmark from the high point. Here are a few of the photo's I took there too:

You can see the Duomo, Ponte Vecchio, the Bargello, the Signoria, and Santa Croce in those pictures. So yea, it's quite a view. Also on the high point is a replica of the statue of David. I think the actual name of it is the Piazza of David...or something more Italian than that that I can't remember right now. But, here's David! (Or his copy)

Oh and I can't forget to mention that on the way to the high point we ran across this weird medieval fair thing going on down by the bank of the Arno. It was pretty cool because they had the tents set up selling different things along with performers who were doing all sorts of fancy things like flipping flags around and tossing some fire around. It was pretty nifty and I think a one night kind of thing.

But yea, this post doesn't have all of the pictures I've taken the last two weeks partially because I haven't finished editing them. I've been super busy with classes and homework and tests and sleeping so these are taking longer than expected. Plus the wifi here is poopy so it takes each picture like five minutes just to upload to Blogspot. But hey, those are just bad excuses! I'll try to be better about uploading on here! Oh and my friend Kelsey Padgham has joined me this week for a few days which is super exciting!! Speaking of friends also, here are some of the ones I've made on my trip.

And Emily looking like a model...which she'll hate me for putting this picture up here, but it's a damn good picture!

Anyways, ciao for now! I'll try to update with more pictures again soon!!


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